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Nokia 6220 Classic
Newest 5 mega pixels camera phone from Nokia with Carl Zeiss Lens and Xeon flash. Comes with A-GPS and Nokia Maps

Canon SD870 or Ixus860
Canon only 28mm wide angle camera. Large LCD screen. Time-lapse video functions.

Phototaking Tips
Techniques on night shot, near distant macro, panoramic view etc... There are also articles on how to select your phone or camera.

Noise Measurement
Compares the noise level of various camera, including camera phone. We provide test in different lighting conditions, e.g. outdoor, indoor, flash, etc...

Interesting fact of mobile usage for Asian

According to a survey, Chinese is most likely to flirt with partner over SMS and most likely use their handset while they are in the washroom. And if you are having a Japanese wife, then she will very likely check your phone record than girls of other nationality. Surprisingly, 20% of Taiwainese will use handphone while having their extreme moment on bed. So lets see what are the statistic of the survey.


79% are most likely to flirt with their partners over SMS
67% is on their handset in the loo.
60% find it acceptable for a marriage proposal to be made over the phone.


79% of Indians are busy with the gadgets at a wedding ceremony
69% of respondents think the cinema should not be off limits for phones
21% of them do so even in a place of worship.


71% married women check their spouse's phone's SMS/caller history.
70% rank price the most important overall factor.
67% said that they have taken calls when they were sleeping or trying to sleep.


57% rate ease of use as the most important reason when buying.
20% of Taiwanese are most likely to use their mobile phones during "extremely intimate moments."


60% driver will most like use a phone.


80% chances are he or she will use a phone during the meal.
74% parents agree that children under the age of 12 should not be given a handset.
58% believe the use of mobile phones should be allowed during flights.

Conclusion: becareful when you are on the road at Australia, and never buy a second hand handset from Chinese!

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